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11 resolutions for 2021

Foto van schrijver: Eline PraetEline Praet

Hi there

Here I am again with a new blogpost, starting the new year with a new one, yes 2020 is really over, hello 2021 :)

I'll just give you guys a list of all the things I can think about that I want to do better in the new year.

And yes new years resolutions can be a bad thing because you all know we're not always gonna keep track of them, but hey let's give it a try :)

1. Keep texting friends how they are

I try to text my friends once in a while, just to ask how they are really doing, and to have a conversation. Since we can't see each other in real life these times, I think it's really important to keep contact and just be aware of the things going on in each others life.

2. Keep reading a lot of books

I love to read books, I always have. But during these quarantine times, I've read a lot more. Usually, I didn't make a lot of time for it in the week and I only read some books when I was on a holiday. But now, I can proudly say I've already read 70 books since February last year, and still going strong. There will also be another blogpost where I'll be talking about my fave books that I read last year.

3. Traveling

I'm definitely not the only one, but I really can't wait to jump in a plane again and travel the world. Just discovering new places, going on a citytrip for the weekend with some friends or family, strolling around in small streets and going into small shops. The first place I'll go to is New York, ofcourse. As soon as the borders open and it's safe to go I'll definitely pack my suitcase asap and jump onto that plane to JFK. Really can't wait for that.

4. Discovering new music artists

I'm always really excited to discover new artists to listen to. I love to listen to a 'radio' on Spotify, it's listening to related artists of one you like, in the same genre for example. You'll either hate the songs or really like them and put them on your favorite list (what a handy feature is that btw!) The last months, I've listened to some Tik-Tok songs that were stuck in my head, yes I also got the Tik-Tok microbe during the first lockdown :) I also love to relisten to some of my fave songs of 2020, that brings back so many memories :) And I can't wait to go to a concert or festival again, dancing with many friends & some beers in our hands, listening to some good music, life can be good.

5. Working out more

During these past months, I tried to work out a few times a week at home. Just doing some exercises on a yoga mat or doing some biking on a fitness bike, while watching a series. You have to mix a good thing with a challenging one, right? When we can do it again, I'll go back to the gym with my friend. I like the variety of exercises, but one thing I know for sure is that running is not for me, I hurt my foot a while ago, and I still suffer from that. I do love to go for a walk with my parents or some friends in the park or at sunset. Of course, a thing that goes together with working out is eating healthy, we're definitely on a good path here at home, but you can always snack less. But on the other hand, an apero is always a good idea, right? It's wine o'clock somewhere :)

6. Creating a capsule gardrobe

I love to shop and discovered the online shopping during quarantine, but I do realise that I have a lot of clothes. And as my mum would say 'there's only 7 days a week', so I don't wear all of them. These past months, I put a lot of pieces I haven't worn for some time on my Vinted account and even got some money from it. Speaking of a win-win situation. That's always nice, especially during these times. I've always been a fan of good basics, I even have had some pieces for some years. So I definitely think it's a good thing to invest in some key pieces to form your own capsule gardrobe. I will also try to write about this topic in the future :)

7. Organising a lot of small gatherings with my friends & family

I can't wait to do some fun things again with my friends and family. And I definitely love to organise small gatherings to do that. I love the fact that everything always looks good on photo and that everything makes sense, from the decoration to the food and drinks. Maybe the next one will be a Mexican themed party or something like that? Tequila boom boom :) I can't wait for all of us to be together again & have the time of our lives, while making some good new memories.

8. Finding a job I love

A big one for me is definitely this one. I've been looking for a job I really like for over a year already. I've worked at a place temporarily, but always knew that wasn't for a very long time. So now I have to start looking again, and I can assure you that the jobhunting isn't easy these times.

9. Getting a dog

Maybe my dream will be coming true this year? :)

10. Starting my own small business

During quarantine, we all had some time to do some things we didn't had the time for before. I also got to experiment with some creative stuff & you'll hear of that soon, keep an eye on my Instagram for more details :)

11. Keep writing different blogposts on this page

As I love reading blogposts, I also love writing them myself. So one of my resolutions is to keep on writing on this blog. Just about all the things that I love and hopefully soon about my next trip to the city. I hope you all keep enjoy reading my blogposts. There will be some more blogposts, so keep on checking them out :)

Happy New Year, let 2021 be better :)

See ya!

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