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Week 3


Hi everyone! The 3rd weekblog already!

So last Sunday, I slept late and facetimed with my sister and with my friends from my youth movement. It was a chaotic but fun talk :) After that, I went into the city with two friends. We walked the highline (again) & went to Chelsea market (again) :) It was very nice outside but still very cold. We ended up walking back at our residence and stopped at the Flatiron building to take a typical picture. We also made another stop at Five guys and had a burger and some (actually really good) fries. It was Sunday evening, so that meant: KUWTK time :) we watched it live (for the first time in my life haha) in the tv room at our residence, and some other girls joined us.

On Monday, we had a day off because it was Martin Luther Kings day, so that was pretty nice. I slept late and began to make my polaroid book. I have a polaroid printer which can print any picture that's on my phone on a polaroid. Very cool! So my plan is to make a book full of polaroid pictures and also put some cool stickers next to it so it becomes a really cool and memorable book :) In the afternoon, I met with a friend on the rooftop of our residence and we had a little photoshoot! After, I skyped with my mummy and my sister at once, really cool to see their two faces on one screen :)

On Tuesday, it was workday again and in the evening, I went to the movies and saw Pitch Perfect 3 with a friend. What an experience! The theater here is so different from the ones in Belgium. First, it was also very expensive lol. Another typical thing from here is that you only have salted popcorn, on which you can put some melted butter, as much as you want! That's really not my thing haha, so I sticked with some nachos. Also, the cinema room where we watched the movie was sooo small! I imagined it to be very big, like everything here in the city, but it was only like for 50 people or something, so that's not a lot.The movie was fun, but not like really good. But I'm happy I saw it.

The next day, it snowed a little bit. And I was not excited for that! Snow is fun when you can stay inside with a hot chocolate and chill while watching some netflix, but not when you have to go out haha! It was also very cold, walking to my internship. Some differences that I've already noticed here at my internship are that we work from 10am to 18pm and we take an hour lunch break at 13pm. Also, there are a lot of lunchspots in the neighborhood and you can eat whatever you want.

On Thursday, we had a very nice lunch from By Chloe, another hip (vegan) lunch spot nearby our building. I took some sweet potato fries and everyone who knows me, knows I love them. And on Friday, we went to lunch with (a part of) the whole team to a nice place, for my official welcome lunch :) It was really nice and fun! After work, I went for some beers with some colleagues. The beer had literally no foam on it, but tasted okay :) The glasses were also very big. After, I grabbed some pizza on the go and ate it in my room, while watching some Netflix. Pretty American, I know :)

Yesterday, on Saturday, the weather was so nice (Felt like spring and I love that) and I went for some shopping. I went to Urban Outfitters and H&M (love it) and bought some new polaroid filters, but also some clothes. On my way, I saw a lot of street artists and one of them was a really cute (small) boy that was dancing. I also went to the Apple store in the Grand Central station to try to fix my battery problem. I have to wait for their email now. In the evening, we (me and some other girls) went for diner at a really nice Mexican place. We ate some nachos with guacamole and drank a really nice cocktail. And after that, we got a drink at another place. We took the subway home and on our way, stopped at an instagrammable place to take a picture :)

Today, I think we're going for a walk in the city and maybe go to Central Park or the Brooklyn Bridge. We'll see :) Now, I'm going to take a shower first and get some brunch. It's already 17pm for you guys in Belgium and I still really have to get used to this time difference.

I'll talk to you guys later! Bye xoxo

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