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Week 8


Hi everyone

Like I already told you guys last week, we had a day off on Monday because it was President's day, so that was nice. I went to the Urban Outfitters to get some more Polaroid filters to put in my book. After, I met Valerie and first, we walked to this very instagrammable place 'cha cha matcha' (I really have to try the matcha thing for once). We took some pictures and took the subway to the 9/11 memorial, I already saw it twice before but it was still very impressive to see. We also went into the Oculus (a very architectural building next to the 9/11 memorial) and actually there's like a whole shopping mall inside. So we had to check out all the shops :) We went to Victoria's Secret and there were actually extra discount for President's day, so that was very cool :) Ofcourse we had to buy some really nice things there. After this, we went back and ate a Belgian waffle from 'Waffles & dinges' and it was sooooooooo good, we had a waffle topped with some strawberries, whipped cream and nutella. Mjummie. It was the best ending of a very nice day and also well spent with nice company :)

On Tuesday, the short workweek started. We had a very nice lunch from a little quinoa place :) Worth the waiting time (half an hour or something). It was actually 23 degrees on Tuesday and Wednesday, so in the evening I watched some Netflix with Mayté on our rooftop, with a glass of wine :) From Thursday on it was cold again, so the weather here was kind of weird. On Thursday I facetimed with some friends from home while they were having sushi, so fun! I also facetimed my mum, dad and my sister :) (they're already coming here in less then a month! so crazy) In the evening, we went to the mexican bar 'Calicos' again. So the concept there is that every Thursday, you can drink for half the price when you say the name of a person that won the contest that week while entering. And the person that won can drink for free until 9pm, so that's nice. And guess who won this week? Yeah me! Haha, I never win something, so I was very happy :) So I really enjoyed some (free) margaritas and it was actually also 'national margaritas day' that day, so we had to drink some of them haha :) On Friday, we worked our last day of the week and after work, we went to a nice bar next to our workplace and enjoyed some happy hour with beer and tequila :) I got to know my colleagues from another angle and it was so fun! We also laughed a lot and ate a lot of cheeseballs, a kind of chips (best ever omg). We took an uber home together.

Yesterday, we went to get brunch at this very cute (& pink) place called 'Pietro Nolita'. It's al well known insta-place :) First, we took some pictures and then we went inside and had a really nice meal (and a cocktail, starting where I ended, right? :) Literally everything in this place was pink, I really felt like Barbie haha. Even the toilet was pink! After, we took the subway to Central Park and there, we just walked a little a saw a lot of squirrels, it's always nice to just walk there and also so much quiter. We actually did our first museum today, we went to Guggenheim, such a nice building! The art was not really our thing, but it was a good experience. After, we got back to our residence and I had a chill evening.

Today, I think it will be a chill day, I slept late (no alarm, love it haha) and ate brunch. Later, I'm gonna do my laundry (that exciting time again, I know).

I actually have so many pictures from Boston (our little trip from last weekend) that I want to share with you, so keep checking my Instagram account :)

Until next week! xoxo

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