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Week 10


Hi everyone

I'm already here for more than 2 months! How crazy is that! As I'm realizing this, me and my friends made a list of all the things we still want to do and we also started planning this. Times flies when you're having fun, that's what they say, right? :)

On Sunday we went to Williamsburg and walked around a little. It was very cold but we saw a lot of beautiful graffiti walls. So that means time to take some pictures :) We took the subway down to Brooklyn and went to the Brooklyn Heights where you have such an amazing view on the Manhattan skyline! Beautiful! After, we went to Shake Shack, my first experience and the cheese fries were delicious! Then we walked to Dumbo and took some other pictures there. And on our way back home, we grabbed a hot coco, to beat the cold. In the evening we chilled while watching some netflix (again i know) :)

On Monday it was the start of a new workweek again! In the evening, me and Amelie watched some Netflix and chilled a little. On Tuesday, Amelie was going back to Belgium (you can check her NYC vlog here). In the evening, me and two belgian friends went for a run, near the water. On Wednesday we had a snowstorm, so we had to work from home. I stayed in all day and worked. I also facetimed my mum to say what (spring) clothes and shoes she has to bring here when they're coming next week (sooo excited for that!!!) On Thursday and Friday it was worktime again and it were actually busy days in the office, a lot was going on but that makes the time go faster so I like it. It was national women's day on Thursday so I went for some shopping after work, I bought some pairs of summer shoes and I also went to the GAP (got some good sales over there). On Friday evening me and Mayté got some pizza and it tasted so good. On Saturday i slept late and it felt good to not hear the alarm screaming at me in the morning :) I got up and ate some brunch. After, we went to the Public library and bumped into an exhibit in there. So cool and fun! I love to just bump into stuff like this. We also got to discover all the places in the building and it was quite fun to see how all the people were studying in there, while a lot of tourists were passing by (I wouldn't be able to do that). We also walked in Bryant Park. After, we took the subway to Century 21 and I (again) got some good sales there! I bought a Tommy Hilfiger purse and also a Yankees cap (as we are going to a Yankees game in April) :) In the oculus, we took the subway to Washington Square park and it was actually pretty nice to see a lot of kids running around there. The sun was shining but it was still sooo cold. We also went to the Cookie DO place nearby, but because it's such a well known place, you needed to have a ticket to go in. Bummer. After, we took the subway home and got some fries from five guys. We also chilled a little while watching some netflix and in the late evening, we went out to a rooftop bar. I also facetimed my friends while they were partying, so funny to see :) I really miss them!

Today, we'll be going to the Central Park Zoo to just walk around and chill a little :) And now, I'm doing my laundry, really had to happen.

Next week this time, my family is already here!!! SOOO excited! for that!

Until next week!


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