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Week 14


Hi guys

Already the 14th weekblog over here!

It was time for workweek again! On Monday I saw my friends again and we had a nice diner together. In the evening we went to the rooftop and enjoyed the sunset while singing and playing guitar (not me haha). After, I had a relaxing evening and watched some netflix (ofcourse :) On Tuesday, we went to the movies in the evening and watched the movie 'midnight sun'. I'm happy I saw the movie, but it was not a really good one. On Wednesday, after work, me and Ana Sofia (the other intern) went to a cupcake place and got some mini cupcakes to bring to our colleague where we had diner. It was really nice to enjoy a nice diner, while drinking some wine and talk with each other. On our way there, we walked next on the waterfront and tried to take some pictures but the wind made it too hard haha. On Thursday night we had something really excited planned. We attended a Jimmy Fallon show and it was sooo cool to experience! The guests of the day weren't that known, but it was such a cool experience and Jimmy was a really kind person! Something else we can check off of our bucket list :) On Friday I had a day off and that felt so good. Sleeping late without an alarm that wakes me up. I chilled and kept up with watching some series. In the evening I went to diner with some friends that I've known already since I was born. It was a great diner and we talked a lot. There was also a live jazz band that was singing and playing some jazz music and that was also a pretty great experience. On Saturday I had brunch with Mayté and after, we went to the Central Park Zoo, where Valerie joined us. We had a great time seeing a lot of different animals. We also watched the Ice age 4D movie, so cool. After, we just walked in Central park for a bit and after, walked on 5th avenue. We also went into the Trump tower and that was also, let's say an experience. Then, we took the subway to Harlem, where Valerie's apartment is. We also went to get groceries and cooked some typical but so satisfying Belgian meal :) We had a really great time and I really enjoyed the time that we spent together. After, Mayté and I took the subway back home and I watched an episode of my number one series at the moment: 90210.

My parents left a week ago and ofcourse I already miss them again, but I'm also sooo excited to experience a lot of other great things here, in this amazing city! Still some weeks to go (actually only exactly 53 days!!!) And then I'm back in Belgium! I'm really looking forward to that and to all the great summer plans I've planned (and ofcourse to see all of my great friends again)!

See you next week!


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