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Week 20


Hi everyone!

Last Sunday was Mothersday and I told my mum how important she is in my life. She's really the best and I'm looking forward to see her again and to do fun stuff together again! On Sunday, it was raining a lot so we just went for some shopping in all the shops on Times Square. We didn't really shop that much, but we mostly just looked at some clothes. After, we went to 'Junior's cheesecake' which apparently is the best known cheesecake in the city. It was really good but the pieces were just too big. We went home with a big doggybag :) In the evening, we watched the finale of 'de mol' and were a little shocked haha. After, we took the subway to Brooklyn to attend the intimate concert Florence and the machine was giving! Before the concert, we went to a German restaurant and ate a würst :). The concert was really good and she has such a good voice! Incredible :)

On Monday, it was time to start my last week of work. After lunch, I got some (only $1) cupcakes for the whole office. We all enjoyed them :) I also facetimed my parents when they were having dinner, so cosy :) In the evening, I spent some time on the rooftop with Anke and Mayté and we ate the leftovers of the cupcakes, mjammie :) On Tuesday, the weather was so bad. In the afternoon, the sky started to become sooo dark and suddenly there was a lot of wind. It also started to rain so hard and there was also some lightning involved. And all of that ofcourse when we had to walk to the subway :) But the sky after this little storm was all worth it. I went to the rooftop with some other girls and we enjoyed watching the purple/blue sky and took some pictures, ofcourse :) After, we drank some wine on the roof and talked :) On Thursday, after work me and Debby (other intern) went to an Adidas event where HICKIES also was present. It was cool to experience and we saw the two new solar boost shoes. They were looking good :) On Friday we went for Debby's welcome lunch & my farewell lunch :) We went to eat some cheeseboats, very tasty but so heavy haha. But still we decided to go for a froyo after lunch :) In the evening, I went for a drink with some my colleagues and after, I watched the first episode of '13 reasons why' with Mayté & Anke. The second season just aired that day so that was pretty exciting.

On Saturday, we took the subway and the bus to 83st where we could pick up our car. We drove to the Hamptons for the weekend! On our way, we stopped at Dunkin Donuts for a little breakfast during our road trip. On Saturday the weather was not really good, it was very windy and there was a lot of rain. We just drove around and stopped in East- and South Hampton to see the little villages with the shops. We also stopped at some beaches and took some pictures. In Montauk, we had a late lunch and after, we stopped at a viewing point for which you had to walk through the bushes. We also stopped on a road to take some pictures. It was nice to just walk around and get to know the little places. After, we drove to our bungalow and installed ourselves. We went to have dinner at a cute Mexican place in Montauk and ate some mjummie (but sometimes way too spicy) tacos. On Sunday, we've really enjoyed our bed and have slept so good. After, we drove to the center of Montauk again and ate some pancakes. Then, we drove to the Montauk lighthouse and walked on the beach. Ofcourse we also took some pictures here :) In East Hampton, we got some Starbucks and enjoyed a (hot) chocolate chip cookie, mmm. The sun was shining and it was actually pretty warm, such a difference with the day before. We stopped at a beach, changed our clothes and just enjoyed the sun! When we drove further to another beach where there was a little pier, we drove by a real American high school. We decided to go take a look and wow was it looking like in the movies! The different sport fields with the tribunes, score boards, letters on the grasfield,... It was so cool to see it in real life and we felt like we were on a movie set! After, we drove to the pier and took some other pictures. Then we drove back to the city and had a really beautiful sunset, the perfect ending to the perfect weekend! I had sooo much fun on this little trip and enjoyed every second of it!

Now it's Monday morning and my last week has started. I'm leaving next Wednesday (30th of May). I'm feeling a little weird about it, but I'm also excited to go back to Belgium and to enjoy all the fun plans I've already made for the summer.

Next week you can read everything on my last week here, in the city. And don't forget to check Anke's video's on Youtube, they're so funny to watch!


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