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Week 21


Hi everyone!

It's already my last week here & I can't believe how the time flies when you're having so much fun in an incredible city like this one! But I'm also kind of excited to go back to Belgium and see everyone again :)

Last week, I didn't have to work anymore, so I had a relaxing, but also such a nice week. On Monday, I slept late and enjoyed the good weather. I went to Victoria's Secret to get some perfumes (not only for me) and on my way back, I got a salad that I later ate on the rooftop. I started to read a book (that Cara Delevigne wrote) and I'm almost finished with it :) I'm excited to read more again, something I do too little, mostly only when I'm on vacation and chilling by the pool :) In the evening, we went for dinner to a Belgian restaurant. We drank (again) a 'kasteel rouge' and ate some delicious Belgian things (I ate some 'garnaalkroketten') and it tasted all so good. It was the last evening for Valerie & Sara and we really enjoyed our time together here, in the city. After dinner, Anke, Mayté, Sara and me decided to go to a tattoo shop somewhere downtown. And yes, we now all have the same little tattoo that says 'NY'. Anke and me also got an ear piercing and they also got another tattoo. So now I have 2 (small) tattoos and a piercing, I went a little crazy I know haha. On Tuesday it was raining the whole day so I stayed in and just relaxed. I also facetimed my mum and my sister. On Wednesday, I went to the Highline to read and chill there. I also walked to Chelsea market and on my way back, enjoyed a delicious smoothie. In the evening, we went for a drink to 'Lucy's', a bar in our street and we sat on the rooftop enjoying our sangria :) On Thursday I went to Soho for a walk and enjoyed the sun while just walking around. I went to 'Joe & the juice' for lunch and on my way back, I saw Karlie Kloss (the VS model) on the subway, just sitting in front of me. I subtly tried to take some pictures :) So people like her also take the subway haha, it's way faster than a taxi, that's for sure :). In the evening, our residence had a BBQ in the garden and it was so cosy :) After, Mayté and me went to the Rockefeller for the 'Red Nose event', like we also have in Belgium. Except it was a little bigger here, they've raised like 42 million dollars at the end of the night and the action only ends somewhere in June. There were some celebrities like Anna Hathaway, Olivia Munn, Jane Lynch (the coach from Glee) and also Ben Stiller. It was a nice evening and cool to experience an event like this here. On Friday, I enjoyed the good weather again and went to the rooftop. In the afternoon, I met with Mayté at some street art in the city and we took some pictures. On our way back, we enjoyed a smoothie and bought 'NY' balloons with which we took some pictures in the evening.

Yesterday, on Saturday we woke up kind of early for a weekend day and we took the subway to Coney Island. It's only an hour from the city and you can enjoy the beach there. It's another atmosphere you have here but it was cool to see! All the attractions by the beach. We just walked around and enjoyed the (kind of too hot) weather. After, we took the subway back to the city and we took the ferry to Governor's Island. Another really nice island. We just walked around and had a picknick on the grass. On our way back, we just bumped into Marcel Van Tilt and Patrick Van Rosendaal, the guy from the BENY books, in our street. After this walking and too warm day, we were all so tired. In the evening I just sat on the rooftop with Anke and we read a book and some magazines. So nice, to just enjoy the warmth.

Today, it's a rainy day over here so we'll just enjoy some relaxing time. Tomorrow is a day off because it's Memorial day. And on Wednesday it's time for me to go home already! I feel sad about it but also very excited to go back!

See you


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