Hi there
As promised, a blogpost about some of the books I read the last year and that I really recommend.
I'm gonna work with categories, to make it easier to talk about the books per genre.
I really like to read books in paper form, as I love the smell of the paper and to turn the pages. Sometimes I got some books on my e-reader, as they're not available in paper form, or it takes too long to get them in paper form. It's a good thing, it saves some trees and it's better for the wallet :) I love to read my books in both English and Dutch. I really like the variety between the two. Next to books, I'm also a real fan of reading fashion magazines, like Vogue, Glamour, Elle, Linda.Meiden,...

One thing I want to talk about before I start is a very handy app I use to keep record of all the books I read, I'm reading at the moment or I want to read. It's called 'Goodreads' and I find it really handy to have an overview of all my books.
I always added a link that you can click on to read more about the book.
I really learned to like some self-development books in the last years. The books are more psychological and go deeper than other books. Most of the time, I've also learn some new things when finishing a self-development book. It can be something about myself, my surroundings or something that's going on in the world or in a humans brain.
- The subtle art of not giving a f*ck & Everything is f*cked / Mark Manson link
- Everything I know about love / Dolly Alderman link
- Babe, you got this & the self-made guide / Emilie Sobels link
- The defining decade: why your twenties matter / Meg Jay link
- Untamed / Glennon Doyle link
- Girl, stop apologizing / Rachel Hollis link
- The hate u give / Angie Thomas link
- So you want to talk about race / Ijeoma Oluo link
Table books
I really love to have some pretty books that add a nice twist to an interior. Mostly it's a book full of pictures in which you can just keep on turning the pages while looking at the pretty images. There's always another picture that pops up when taking a look at the book again.
- Jacquemus: Jacquemus 1 & Marseille 2 link
- High snobiety / Gestalton link
- Ibiza Bohemia / Maya Boyd link
- Chanel: collections & creations / Danièle Bott link
- The Coveteur link
- The Fashion Book / Phaidon link
Fashion books
Of course I'm also a big fan of books that talk about something fashion related. For example, I've read some books that tell the story behind a big brand, like Dior & Chanel. I've also went to some fashion exhibitions already, and always like to buy a book after, that reminds me of the exhibit when I look at it again.
- Dress Scandinavian / Pernille Teisbaek link
- In Paris / Jeanne Damas link
- The Capsule wardrobe / Leoni Huisman link
- Dress yourself happy / Manon Meijers link
- Tim Walker: pictures / Tim Walker link
- The hidden facts of fashion / Fashionary link
- Persona non Prada / Catherine Kosters link
- Instastyle / Tessa Barton link
- Golden mountains / Doortje Smithuijsen link
- Woman / Lucy Woesthoff link
Entrepreneur stories
As I have the entrepreneurship gene in me, I really like to read books about the grow of a how the business came to life. I find it really interesting to get to learn more about the story and the people behind a brand. And how they got to grow from a small brand to a big one and got their successes.
- Blowing my way through the top / Jen Atkin link
- How to be an overnight success / Maria Hatzistefanis link
- 100 million hair ties and a voda tonic / Sophie Trelles-Tvede link
- On top & On life / Anna Nooshin link
- Little black book & mood of the day / Sofie Valkiers link
- It / Alexa Chung link
- Capture your style / Aimee Song link
I don't really like thriller movies, but once in a while, I like to read a thriller book. I love the imagination it brings with it, so you can make up the look of the characters and everything that happens to them, without having a real image of it. I also like it when there are some plottwists at the end of the chapters.
- The guest list & Hunting party / Lucy Folley link
- The favorite sister / Jessica Knoll link
- Through the door lock / Ruth Ware link
- Thirteen / Steve Cavanaugh link
- The safe house + Anna Downes link
USA books
Of course I like to read about the USA life, and mostly about the New York City life, some tips and tricks and the people that live there. During the election week in the beginning of November, I was drawn to the tv-screen with CNN on for a whole week. As some variety, I read the book of Björn Soenens that week, in theme of the events of that week.
- The length of the ocean : Björn Soenens link
- Humans of NY / Brandon Stanton link
- BENY books / Patrick Van Roosendaal link
- My story: becoming / Michelle Obama link
- A Promised land / Barack Obama: on my to read list link
Sometimes I like to get to know more about some people I find interesting. How they lived as a child, how they got so far in their lifes and why they do what they do.
- Audrey Hepburn / Sean Hepburn Ferrer
- This is not a fashion story / Danielle Bernstein link
- Iris Apfel: accidental icon / Iris Apfel link
- Lessons / Gisële Bundchen link
- Karl Lagerfeld / Laurent Allen-Carron link
- My lifestyleguide / Rens Kroes link
- The woman I wanted to be / Diane Von Furstenberg link
- Queen of jetlags / Noor de Groot link
- Strong looks better naked / Khloé Kardashian link
Relaxing books
Of course there's always time for some relaxing while reading. I really like to read a relaxing, brainless book when laying at the pool or sitting in the garden or laying in bed, reading before going to sleep, that's always a good idea.
- Valeria 1 & 2 / Elisabet Benavent link
- Christmas shopaholic / Sophie Kinsella link
- Lies & lattes / Lauren Weisberger link
- Royals 1 & 2: Katharine McGee link
- Playing with matches / Hannah Orenstein link
- From Manhattan with love collection / Sarah Morgan link
- Anna K / Jenny Lee link
- One small thing / Erin Watt link
Poetry books
I also like to have some small books full of poems, that you just can keep re-reading.
- Milk and Honey & The sun and her flowers / Rupi Kaur link
- Swimming lessons / Lili Reinhart link
I hope you find this blogpost useful & that you keep on reading :)
If you have some more questions, just let me know here!